Landscape Photography

By Adrian Hallberg

Photographer’s Favorite Picks

Banff National Park, Canada

Banff is one of a kind place large enough to explore for a lifetime. Anything you hear about the Canadian Rockies is probably true. The scale of the mountains and landscape is incredible.

The Redwood Forest

The Redwoods hold so much history and fascinating facts about how they share our world. Being the tallest natural thing on Earth growing up to 300 ft and being over 2,000 years old. It’s a mystic place that sends you into another world.

Oregon Coast

Many have fallen in love with the perstine coast along the 101 in Oregon. Luckily the Oregon people and government have made it public and keep it off limits to developers who would purchase beachfront land in a second. This keeps it a special place for anyone to fall in love with.

North West USA

Crater Lake in a few of these pics had a similar mystical experience for me as other places but was still unique. Being the deepest lake in North America and being filled only by natural precipitation rather than any inlets or outlets of other water sources makes it one of a kind on earth. The water tastes fantastic by the way.

Moab, Utah

Growing up and living 3.5 hours away makes this famous spot a common destination. It never gets old. Moab offers every outdoor recreational activity except for surfing. This is why the crowds get bigger and bigger every year. Making it even better to get far out into the desert to not only escape the crowds but to see one of the most beautiful landscapes. The red rock landscape is famous for a good reason.


These pictures feature some intimate spots in or near Olympic National Park. Hoh Rain Forest offers the area dense green growth scattered everywhere. Making the environment very inspirational. 

The Wasatch

As the place I grew up with, the Wasatch Mountains have a special place in my life. I’ve had many good times in all seasons. Camping, skiing, rafting, fishing, and enjoying the nature that’s in my backyard has been a very big blessing.


Glacier National Park

Glacier is one of my top two favorite National Parks. The “Going-to-the-Sun Road” is a famous and spectacular drive through the heart of this large park. You’ll likely find some bears, moose, large mountains with big lakes and valleys. Even though the elevation isn’t as high as most mountain ranges in the west, there are still clouds that sink low into the valleys and pass over the mountains giving it a very mystic atmosphere.

Zion National Park

This makes my top 3 of national parks I’ve visited. Super large red cliffs with just so much going on. If you’ve been there a lot go see Kolob Canyon. It’s about an hour drive outside the mouth of Zion Canyon and takes you to a different part of the park on the north end with less crouds.

Portland, Oregon

I only spend a little bit of time here. It’s a cool city. It’s nested around nature and offers all that city life has to offer. I love the layout with a neighborhood vibe around downtown. A lot of trees and houses make it feel cozy. Very diverse as a lot of cities are.

New York

What hasn’t been said about this world famouse city with a long and deep history in American culture. It’s New York. I liked it.

Yellowstone National Park

One of the first National Parks and one of the biggest, Yellow Stone Is unique and spectacular. It takes about an hour to drive around the whole park and there are many diverse features along the way worth spending some time at.

Bryce National Park

One of Utah’s five national parks, Bryce is very unique in it’s formation and is a great for views in the desert. Check out the waterfalls on the east side.

Phoenix, Arizona

I got to explore parts of Arizona for the first time in the summer of 2019. The Grand Canyon and Sedona are pretty sweet! I was lucky to not go during the heat of the summer. These pictures were shot on medium format film.

Havana, Cuba

I freaking loved Cuba. I would recommend visiting as soon as you can. I like to hope with everyone else that the political situation will get better but you never know. Travel there could get shut down.


Kauai, Hawaii

Kauai was the best of nature that was as different from the moutnains of Utah that I have experienced. 


Capitol Reef National Park

One of the 5 national parks in Utah. It took me 2 hours and 50 minutes to drive here from Provo. I made it just before the sun went down and got 11 shots on Kodak Ektar 100 medium format film using my Hasselblad 500c.


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